A Gift for Nana


Smith Lane. Auteur

Edité par Random House Childrens Books US. [S.l.] ; 2022

b>b>Two-time Caldecott Honor author/illustrator Lane Smith tells a whimsical story about a little rabbit searching for the best gift for someone very special./b>/b>br>br>A thoughtful little Rabbit sets out to find the perfect gift for his Nana. He knows she will love anything he brings her but Rabbit wants this gift to be extra special. As he travels on his quest, Rabbit encounters an assortment of creatures-a crow, a smiling full moon, a stickler (whatever that is), a big fish, and a volcano. Each is certain they offer the best advice but nothing they suggest seems right for his Nana. It''s not until Rabbit reaches the highest peak, that he finds exactly what he''s been searching for. br>br>The award -winning illustrator of bestsellers including Penguin Problems and Giraffe Problems, brings originality and gentle humor to a story that parents and grandparents will be sharing with their children for years to come.;

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